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A Chiropractor's Top Tips to Improve Your Posture

A Chiropractor's Top Tips to Improve Your Posture

Dynamic posture refers to the way you hold your body when walking, running, twisting, or moving. Static posture refers to how you hold your body when sitting, standing still, or sleeping.

Maintaining proper alignment (good posture) reduces the strain on your muscles, ligaments, and joints, ensuring your body functions at its optimal capacity.

Pamela V. Ford, DC, is a skilled chiropractor serving patients from our practice, Serenity Chiropractic & Family Wellness Center, in Carrollton, Texas. Dr. Ford’s expertise includes a broad range of chiropractic treatment techniques, many of which focus on reducing pain by restoring healthy spinal alignment and good posture.

Because Dr. Ford has seen firsthand the health repercussions of poor posture, she’s happy to provide her top tips for improving your overall well-being by improving your posture.

1. Cultivate awareness

Before you can correct your posture, you need to be aware of it. Start by noticing your posture throughout the day, especially during routine activities. How do you stand while waiting for the bus? How do you sit at your computer?

The key to good posture is proper spinal alignment, which includes maintaining but not increasing the natural curves in your spine while keeping your head, shoulders, and hips positioned properly.

Standing with one hip cocked higher than the other, tipping up your chin while you work at the computer, or letting your shoulders curve inward as you watch television are all indicators of poor posture.

2. Set up an ergonomic workspace

If you spend hours at a desk, it's crucial to ensure it's set up to promote good posture. Dr. Ford specializes in workplace ergonomics. 

Her recommendations include:

It’s also important to take regular breaks every 60-90 minutes to stand up, stretch, and move around.

3. Strengthen your core

Your core muscles play a crucial role in maintaining an upright posture. Incorporate strengthening exercises like planks, bridges, and abdominal crunches into your workout routine.

4. Stay active

General physical activity can help prevent muscles from becoming weak and flaccid. Walking and swimming are great activities that engage multiple muscle groups and promote good posture.

Yoga — well-known for helping you relax, increasing flexibility, and improving breathing techniques — also focuses on proper spinal alignment and balance throughout every session. 

5. Practice good body mechanics

Good body mechanics refers to balance, proper alignment, and coordinated movements during your daily routine. For instance, always bend at the knees, not the waist, and engage your core muscles when lifting. This approach protects your back and ensures you're using the strength of your legs.

6. Check your footwear

High heels and unsupportive shoes can affect the alignment of your entire body. Opt for supportive footwear as much as possible and limit the time you spend wearing heels.

7. Engage in posture-improving exercises

Simple exercises can help retrain your body to maintain good posture. Click here for some examples.

8. Schedule an evaluation

Dr. Ford can assess your overall posture and offer tailored advice, treatments, and exercises designed to improve your alignment and overall health.

Schedule a visit with Dr. Ford today by calling Serenity Chiropractic & Family Wellness Center or requesting an appointment online.

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